
"Baseball is more important than a big omelet." -- Neil Baumgarten in a conversation of whether to miss the first inning of an AFL game in order to grab a late breakfast. 2022.

"He'll hit 30 home runs this year" -- Dave Berson, owner of .the Nats, in response to the question "Who the hell is Jim Lindeman?" - 1987 (He did hit 8)

"$4.15" -- Mick Kirven, owner of the Nuggets, final bid on Karl "Tuffy" Rhodes - 1994 ('Nuff Said)

"We're Jewish. We don't pay retail." -- Brian Feldman, Jeff Eisenberg, owners of the Eisman Trophies, after incrementing a bid by 3 cents instead of 5 - 1991 (Players' performance was at a discount, too. The Trophies finished 6th out of 10.)

"Donovan Osborne has the groin of a woman." -- Brian Feldman, owner of the Feld of Dreams, mocking the acquisition of the Cardinal pitcher by the See-da-Homers - 1998 (Hard to argue without actual proof.)

"I have no wins this week, thank god Millwood is pitching Friday." -- Brian Feldman, owner of the Feld of Dreams, lamenting a lousy pitching week - 1998 (Millwood's line on Friday - 1 1/3 IP, 7 Earned Runs.)

"Anything that is bad for the 'Teasers is good for the league - and you can quote me on that!" -- Wayne Warren, owner of Wayne's World - 1997 (Jealous of Past Trophies Won?)

"The Pirates' Brass should be called Copper." -- Brian Feldman lamenting yet another stupid move on the part of the Pittsburgh front office - 1999 (Will this bring back the Dreams' famous "no Pirates" rule?)

"I have been the foistee enough times that I have only the slightest twinge of guilt over Derek Lee." -- See-da-Homers owner Matt Cederholm responding to Nuggets question "Don't you feel you should take some responsibility for the evil (Lee) that you foisted upon the Nuggets last year?? - 2000 (Does this mean the Feld of Dreams should have to take Derek Lee?)

"Well, that's OK, the championship was tarnished anyway." -- Reigning champion Feld of Dreams owner Brian Feldman responding to the fact the 1999 name plate on the trophy was a slightly different color of gold. - 2000 (This admission was only available because of years of counseling.)

"We're back from Amish Country!" -- Nugget owner Mick Kirven announcing the return of he and fellow owners from a visit to the Fro Magnon Men's lair; an apartment with no cable TV, a dial up internet access from a 486 laptop, and yes, no ice. - 2001 (Perhaps the Fro Magnon Men are stuck in 1992, the last time they won the championship?)